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Trump Accuses President Obama of Siding with Terrorists, And the New Media Shrugs it Off? That is

I post opinions at least once a week here. Often I write about politics or media coverage of politics -- two subjects I have followed closely for more than 30 years.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why Is Jay Severin Still On the Air?

Why should we have to hear a radio talk show host say reckless, offensive, inaccurate things on the air every day? Why should such a host not be fired?

I raise these questions in reference to Jay Severin, the right-wing, "shock-jock" whose show is on in Boston on weekdays from 3 - 7 pm on WTTK-FM (96.9) the "talk station."

And I raise them because, to me, this is not about Severin's politial views, but whether he makes remarks that can be considered "acceptable" or "responsible" - or not. I'm in no way advocating censorship. I'm asking you - potential consumers of his show - and WTTK's station management to re-examine if this talk show host - who regularly spouts objectionable, unsubstantiated content - should have his job. And, do you - the public - care what he says?

I have found that many of Severin's remarks are "irresponsible" and warrant his removal from the airwaves. But I'm curious what you think and I want to give you a tiny, but recent, revealing sampling to consider.

On April 6, when discussing President Obama's foreign policy, including his response to North Korea's test missile launch, Severin said:

"...I think Barack Obama in his heart of hearts is an anti-Semite who wants the Iranians to attack Israel and give it to the Palestinians. I really believe he believes that. And one of the problems here is that he is expected to act on a life and death basis to pretend that he doesn't believe those things whereas I am sure he would sleep much better at night if North Korea overtook the South (Korea) if, uh, China took back Taiwan and Iran flattened Israel. He'd be fine with that..."

On April 7, Severin offered these additional comments:

"...Given the choice of doing something affirmative like going out and stopping the North Koreans or going out and stopping the Iranians - Barack Obama would rather - and will rather - one million Americans die before he does anything. There is no question in my mind that this President of the United States would and will prefer to wait for the mushroom cloud rather than do anything. And when he responds, if God forbid we are attacked, Barack Obama's response will be beyond limp, beyond lame, beyond un-American. We have someone who doesn't want to defend us. We have someone who believes we are evil..."

I do not think it's OK for Severin or any talk show host to make claims like these without any substantiation, sensible context or reason. And, merely attempting to be sensational to attract higher ratings is no grounds for accusing the President of preferring that a million Americans die instead of taking military action.

Then, also recently, came Severin's extreme reaction when Somali pirates were holding captain Richard Phillips hostage and a suspenseful standoff was going on. Severin repeatedly lambasted President Obama, for, responding (in Severin's view) so weakly.

On his April 8th show, Severin suggested that a "real President" of the United States would "...recapture our guys, kill all the pirates, and, as far as I'm concerned, please, please drop a nuclear weapon on Mogadishu -- for revenge, for deterrence, and, just a public service to the rest of the world..."

On April 9th, Severin was still ripping Obama.

"He is a coward," Severin told a caller. "He's an ignoramus. He is weak. He is un-American. He is unpatriotic...He is the Manchurian candidate...And I'll tell you this - all - all of the evidence available - both from the things he's said and the things he's done - I'm talking about Rev. Wright. I'm talking about Bill Ayers. I'm talking about ACORN. I'm talking about the Black Panthers. I'm talking about various radical groups and philosophies to which he signed his name and stood up for...and now, finally, we have elected one of the American haters to the Presidency and we're trying to deal with it..."

Shouldn't a radio talk show host with a good-sized audience in Boston be required to back up these kinds of comments OR not make them at all?

I certainly expect a more responsible performance. I hope you do too.

1 comment:

  1. Well I thought I was all alone in my opinion of Jay. What a piece of work. I agree with you AJ,he is irresponsible and does not check his facts. His facts are not facts. He just mouths this stuff and I swear he's waiting for a challenge. He should not be on the air,but listen to some of his callers,scary. Don Imus let loose on him in his own way!!
    You want healthy debate not B.S. flung to the lowest denominator. I can't listen to him. He is dangerous and not factful. I feel though,that as long as his ratings are acceptable,he will unfortunately remain on the air. Sad and dangerous.
